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Why I Created This Site:
A couple of weeks ago I was searching around for a lawyer I could call with a quick question. The internet offered a nuumber of directories that listed lawyers like
  • Attorney
  • The first thing I noticed was that many lawyers do not have web sites, the second thing I noticed was that a good web site immediately informed me of the best choice to sartisfy my my needs.
    So I thought ... why not make a prototype of a web site for a lawyer, contact some firms and see if they might be interested in an inexpensive solution to promoting their company on the internet.
    Who I Am: Back to Top
    My name is Jeff Boverman, live in Huntington Beach and design web sites, brochures and graphics for on-line magazines, restaurants and even a major aerospace company!

    I am an freelance graphics designer with the ability to create and produce materials for internet, print and prensentation purposes.
    How a Web Site Can Help You: Back to Top
  • Increased visability
  • Faster client qualification
  • Decreased need to background client on firm
  • Differentiates You From Your Competition
  • Inexpensive and can be Updated on Demand
  • How Much Does a Web Site Cost? Back to Top

    Web sites are like anything else ... you can spend as much as you like, but what are your needs and how can they be best satisified for a minimal investment? I can modify this prototype with you specific information for around $500! I will not re-sell this design, but if you felt this met your needs that what you would spend.

    Another option is a simple single web page that would cost you under $100 and could contain images, graphics, text and hyperlinks for email, etc.

    Basically, you're looking at between $100 and $1,000 for a professionaly designed multi-page website.

    Other Services I can Provide: Back to Top
    Besides creating web sites I can also help you in the following ways:
  • Logo, graphics, forms, brochure and mailer design
  • Internet hosting and site maintenance
  • Presentation and court room graphics
  • Letter head and stationary
  • Contact Information: Back to Top
    Jeffery L. Boverman
    309 11th Street
    Huntington Beach, California 92648
    (714) 267-9449 - Phone
    (714) 242-1908 - Fax - email