Categories such as time, space, cause, and number represent the most general relations which exist between things; surpassing all our other ideas in extension, they dominate all the details of our intellectual life. If humankind did not agree upon these essential ideas at every moment, if they did not have the same conception of time, space, cause and number, all contact between their minds would be impossible . . .
Emile Durkheim
Les forms élémentaires de la vie religiuse, Paris, 1912
I "take" pictures using Leica equipment; I "make" pictures using Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, ColorImpact V:3.1, HP 4850 Flatbed Scanner, heat, air, oil and water.
boverman was born in new york city and currently lives with his wife anita, 2 dogs (beadie and toshi) and max's cat (halsey). As a designer and freelance production person boverman has worked for rertail, finance, entertainment and not-for-profit organizations.